Saturday, June 26, 2010


I ran into one of my kidos today and he hugged me so hard he wouldn't let go. that was so awesome to know that he missed me that much. His mother said he kept asking about going back to school. Its kinda cool to make that kind of impression on a kid that didn't like school at first. And great to know that yuor students can like you that much and miss you that much. I miss them all too.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Peter's soo Cute!!!

Look at me I'm standing.
Isn't he cute!!!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


know its been a while but i have been super busy. I have been studying like crazy for the special education test that you need to take to be certified as a special ed teacher. Here in Texas you can at the moment take the test without majoring in say special ed. I took the test this last Wednesday and guess what I passed. I have been working in the special ed field for the last say 8 years. I have had tons of experience and decided that i wanted to get certified in it. It is really my passion and I love working children with and adults with disabilities. So yeah hopefully i can continue working in the sped field. I love it. so I owe you people pictures. I have some of my nephew and some of spring. I didn't take any of the bluebonnets. yeah i know i should have but the ones i did take came out all blurry. so i have lots of flower pictures. oh and a few of these Caterpillar that was hanging out on my front walk way that really big. oh and something i have noticed here that is a little weird is that caterpillars hang from trees. i know that sounds weird but i have found some hanging from web like string from trees. They must be trying to get to the ground or something but they just hang there are cute i guess they have their own silk like spiders. idk i know its weird but very cool too. oh and I went to this awesome Casting Crowns concert Friday night. I went with some friends from work and it was great. so here are some cool pictures i have taken and some Texas translations.
used to describe everything from mild annoyance to dangerous, murderous rage.
Usually pronounced "agger-vated."

all swole up
an alternative to aggravated, but sometimes carries connotations of being obstinate,
proud and self-abosorbed, in addition to being aggravated.

all choked up
upset, overcome with emotions (other than aggravation).
A person is usually "all choked up" when they are deeply moved by sadness or by the
thoughtfulness of others.

all worked up
in a state of aggravation, arousal of some type, in a state of deeply offended pride,
offended sensibilities, in a state of anxiety, etc. Agitated.

a synonym for coffee, when the Arbuckle brand was virtually the only one available.

usually means football.

adjective used to describe milk that has begun to sour.

blue norther
storm that comes up as a giant, blue-black cloud of cold air comes over the warm gulf air
and "just about freezes us to death!" Rain and wind may accompany the black cloud.

catty whompus
used to describe something that doesn't fit properly or is out of line.

clabber milk
butter milk

come hell or high water
shows determination to proceed, regardless of the problems, obstacles, etc.

to have conniptions is to get upset and raise a ruckus.

tough and/or bad tempered man, woman or horse.

dad blame it, dad gum it, dag nab it
euphamisms coined to allow expressive speech without swearing.

depending on the Dillo, this can be the noontime meal or the evening meal.

eat up
eaten up, destroyed, oxidized.

fess up

fit to be tied
really upset.

food; the rest of the meal, excluding the main dish.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Hello Hello

Ok so I don't post often. Sorry I have just been busy and don't take the time to post. I will try and update more later but need to get back to studying. I took the reg ed texas teacher cert test and am taking the sped weds so need to get back to my studies. here are a few pics of texas. crazy cold weather here it actually snowed. The spring here is beautiful too. there are flowers everywhere and tons of gorgeous blue bonnets. The horses are from a field that is walking distance from my apt. I my posts are rather random but if you know me then you get it. The flowers that grow here are all part of Barbra Bush's beautification of Texas. Every time a new road is built the sod that they put down has wild flower seeds already planted in it. so when spring comes there are flowers. this has caused the wild flowers to spread like wild fire. Here is an interesting piece of information it illegal to in the state of Texas pick a Blue Bonnet. Why you ask. its the state flower. so if you are traveling in Texas do not pick the Blue Bonnets.

and finally some more Texas phrases that need translation.

The engine's runnin' but ain't nobody driving
Translation: Not overly-intelligent.

Tighter than bark on a tree
Translation: Not very generous.

Big hat, no cattle
Translation: All talk and no action.

We've howdied but we ain't shook yet
Translation: We've met/ are acquaintances, but not been formally introduced.

He thinks the sun come up just to hear him crow
Translation: He thinks a lot of himself

As welcome as a skunk at a lawn party
Translation: (self-explanatory).

S/He's got tongue enough for 10 rows of teeth
Translation: Talks a lot.

It's so dry the trees are bribin' the dogs
Translation: We really could use a little rain around here

Just because a chicken has wings don't mean it can fly
Translation: Appearances can be deceptive.

This ain't my first rodeo
Translation: I've been around awhile.

He looks like the dog's been keepin' him under the porch
Translation: Not very handsome.

They ate supper before they said grace
Translation: Living in sin.

As full of wind as a corn-eating horse
Translation: Rather prone to bragging.

You can put your boots in the oven, but that don't make 'em biscuits
Translation: You can say whatever you want about something, but that doesn't change what it really is.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Busy busy

Ok so I know I haven't been posting much but I have been busy and my computer charging card keeps breaking and only works about 25% of the time so it isn't often that I am able to be online. So I love working with my kiddos. They are so sweet and are learning so much. They have progressed so much. The teacher I have been working with has been promoted to work at another school as their vice principle. This is not great for my students but will be good for me. I will have 2 principles on the district that know me and may be more likely to hire me next year. So I have been busy working to make a good impression on them both. I have loved getting the chance to see peter grow up. He is so cute! he is sitting up and even walking when you hold his hands. I love to make him laugh its just so cute. the best part is that he gives kisses now. yes they are sloppy but just so awesome. with as often as we all say hi to him I think that it will be his first word. I do have a few recent pictures I will post so y all can see how much he has grown. He has an awesome smile. I am so lucky to get to watch him grow up

Monday, August 31, 2009


Texas phrases and what I think they mean

1. fixin to: getting ready to, will be doing something; I am fixin to make my bed.

2. Might could: Maybe, might be able to; we might could go to the mall later.

and finally the famous

ya'll : means all of you.

all ya'll: everyone, all of you plural of ya'll

as I learn more of these phrases I will add to them.


Ok so this last week has been beyond busy. I have about 6 students currently that I have such a hard time keeping in their seat. and theyare saying that we can't have another aide possibly which isn't good because they want to put up to 16 kids in our class. now I know you think thats nothing. well I work in a special ed pre k class. so 6 kids is a lot and then adding more is way to much for 2 people especially when they want us to do inclusion with out kids in 3 different classrooms all at the same time and we need to be with all the students. we are only 2 people! well that is all for now my internet isn't very good so Idk if or when I will be able to post again.